End of Year Laptop Check-In Procedures
Computers are generally taken up in May. Exact dates will be determined. Students need to turn in ALL accessories on the determined date as well, including the Chromebook, Chromebook Charger and Chromebook Case.
Prior to turning in your Computer:
Clean your Computer with Sprayway Glass Cleaner by spraying a cloth and then wiping down the screen, keyboard and outside of the case. There is Sprayway available in the technology offices at both campuses and in the Technology Classrooms.
All students need to complete the online repair form to ensure all repairs are completed during the summer. No one knows the computer you were issued better than you. If you do not complete the form, we cannot guarantee all repairs will be identified. Click HERE to fill out the form.
All damages and lost accessories must be paid for when you turn in your Computer. Payment can be given to the campus secretary, Connie Jalomo or taken to the Administration Office.
Here is a list of the replacement cost of some of the common items:
LCD Display Screen $100
Chromebook Charger $25
Replacement Keyboard $50
Lost Chromebook $350
If you have any questions, please contact John White.